Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Google Adsense-5 rock solid tips to make more money.

Author: Terry Till

Google adsense is proving to be probably the number one method
of making money on the internet. Visit nearly any website today
and you will see an array of Google Adsense ads being displayed.
But if youre interested in displaying Google Adsense ads on your
website how can you be sure that you are making the most return
from your website visitors.

Let me tell you my five top tips to increase your Google Adsense

Tip one.

Use articles on your website that are of interest to your
targeted market. Original articles written by yourself are best,
however if you are not keen on writing why not look at obtaining
some Private Label Rights articles. Most important issue here
being to modify the articles extensively to make them original
to you and not risk duplicated content issues.

Tip two.

Keep your web page layout simple and don't include links to
other products or services, which could distract your visitors
from clicking on your Google Adsense ads. Remember this strategy
is to increase your Adsense revenue, if you want to promote an
affiliate product design a webpage with just your product links
on and remove any adsense ads.

Tip three.

Design your Adsense ads to blend in with the background colour
of your webpage and also position them in the most profitable
positions available. You can get a clear idea of this layout by
clicking on my website link below.

Tip four.

Keep track of your visitors and the income they produce to your
website, you can do this by creating a channel in the Google
Adsense backoffice. Again remember, that if your website is not
producing a decent income then you need to look at different
subject matters, subjects of interest that people want to read
more about and are willing to visit your website in order to
read more.

Tip five.

Traffic generation is the real key to success and without
visitors to your website you wont make any money. This fifth tip
is a complete subject on its own and I will be producing further
articles on this subject which you will be able to read by
visiting my website below.

I will be adding regular articles on all these subjects and more
over the next few days and months so it realy will be worth a
visit to see what tips and ideas you can use to increase your
Google Adsense income.

About the author:
Copywrite 2006 Terry Till

Visit my website for more tips and tricks on earning more from
Google Adsense ads.

Google Adsense Rock Solid Tips
money money
money money